This site is dedicated to issues in criminal law in Singapore, with brief write outs on various common offences and their respective prevailing sentencing, as well as the procedure of the criminal process in Singapore. The site is managed by a Singapore law firm.

Traffic offences are dealt with at Court 21, Subordinate Courts.

There are various types of traffic offences, from simple violation to careless driving to causing death by a rash act. For offences such as simple traffic offence such as speeding, driving without insurance, road tax, careless driving etc. this usually carries a fine. It is always prudent to check with a solicitor before taking a plea of guilt.

Drunken driving.

The first offender will be let off with a fine and suspension of licence, usually. If the victim is injured and there are other blameworthy factors, custodial may be imposed.

Hit & Run Cases

For offences such as hit and run cases, since the case of DAC 11023/2001 to DAC 11029/2201, Public Prosecutor v Masrani B. Hassan, the prevailing sentence is usually a custodial sentence upon conviction.

Driving Without a licence

For an accused who had committed the offence of driving without a licence, the prevailing sentence is also a custodial sentence.

Causing Death by Negligent Act

For offences such as negligent driving, even if death is caused, an accused may be fined, depending on the facts of the case (unlike causing death by rash act). Sine the recent case of PP v Hue An Li (2014), the starting benchmark for causing death by negligent driving is a custodial sentence, unless there are exceptional mitigating factors.

It is always in the Accused’s interest to engage a counsel early, as the case may proceed for hearing within a few months or even a few weeks (where foreign witnesses are involved) as the case may be. Early and adequate preparation are absolutely necessary as life and liberty are at stake.


How Criminal Law SG can help you?

WM Low and Partners has dealt with various clients in a wide variety of criminal law cases over the years from drunk driving, hit and run causing death by Negligent Act and other criminal law cases. Our criminal lawyers have a vast knowledge of Singapore’s laws and will be able to provide valuable and appropriate advice for your criminal law case.

To fix an appointment to discuss your matters, call us at
6534 1328 or submit the form